Авторы: Shamsuddin “Niazi”
Степень (должность): Associate Professor
Место учебы/работы: Parwan University in Afghanistan
Аннотация на русском языке: -

The summary in English:
Bullying is rife at District 8th Kabul city schools in Afghanistan. Previous studies published in 2008 revealed the frequency of bullying amongst high school students to be 36% in District 8th Kabul city and 41% at national level of the total number of high school students who participated in the investigation. This behavior amongst students hampers efforts to raise educational standards and improve schools in our country. Besides, the vicious cycle of bully/victim relationships has a negative influence on individual students. In Afghanistan, bullying behavior in schools has been found to lead to problems such as a low self-esteem, low academic performance, absenteeism, depression, and consequently school dropout. In this study the frequency and different forms of bullying experienced by students in District 8th Kabul city schools were investigated using questionnaires, individual interviews, and focus group interviews with grade 6 to 9 students and their teachers at four selected schools (Sayed Noor Mohammad Shah Mina Boy School, Rahman Mina Girl High School, Ostad Bitab Boy High School and Amina Fadvi Girl High School) in District 8th Kabul city. Questionnaires were administered to grade 6 to 9 classes in each of the four selected schools. Analysis of the questionnaires was followed by 12 sets of interviews: individual interviews with 7 male grade 6 to 9 learner and 8 female grade 6 to 9 learner at each of the four selected schools, and focus group interviews with six male grade 9 teachers and six female grade 9 teachers in each school. The findings confirm that bullying is rampant in the four selected schools. A mean of 96% of the respondents reported that bullying happens at their school. In addition, a mean of 38% of the respondents stated that bullying happens every day at their school. Furthermore, all the different types of bullying, that is, physical, verbal, emotional, and cyber-bullying, occur at the four selected schools, and each of them is influenced by individual and contextual factors. However, this investigation discovered that the most flexible and influential cause of peer bullying is the contextual (that is, ‘inside of school’) factors. This study also revealed that students at the four selected schools experience various consequences of bullying such as lowering of self-esteem, high rates of absenteeism, self-harm, inability to make progress in their studies, insecurity, and isolation of victims. Finally, some recommendations to address the issue of school bullying are made in respect of schools, teachers, parents and students. Recommendations are also made in respect of future research on bullying. Introduction Bullying is defined by the World Health Organization as a threat or actual use of force directed against an individual, another person, a community, or a group that can result in injury, death, bodily harm, developmental problems, or insufficiency. Bullying is a common issue in schools and communities, and it has a detrimental influence on the school atmosphere. Bullying in schools is a problem that experts, educators, parents, and kids are all concerned about. Over the last few years, there has been a significant increase in the number of studies performed and the amount of news items in the media about bullying at school. Bullying can have a negative impact on kids' health. Bullying is defined as unwelcome, aggressive conduct among school-aged children in which a real or perceived power imbalance exists. Both bullied children and those who bully others may develop significant, long-term issues. The report focuses on student bullying, both direct and indirect. Bullying may affect different categories of kids, occur in different types of schools, and have varied effects on student behavior. The findings aid in identifying students who have been bullied physically (directly) or socially (indirectly). Bullying is a psychological and educational issue that affects public health. The major goal of this study is to look at the prevalence of bullying, its victims, and the different forms of bullying.

Ключевые слова: -
Key words: Keywords: Culture, gender, adolescence, schools, context, bullying, intervention, learning, teachers and students.

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